Sunday, February 19, 2012



got small problem. I got three rows in a table

Index (int)
Product (varchar)
Price (float)

I could successfully connect to the database. I also get the values and store them in a CDBVariant type. I can't put the values into List Control Box... insertItem always return -1. It ask for LPCTSTR type.

Anyone can help me please, hanging around here know for hours?



CDBVariant value;
char sql_statement [2048] = "";

//CDatabase object "db" created to connect database
CDatabase db;

//CRecordset object "rs" created to access and manipulate database records.
CRecordset rs(&db);
strcpy(sql_statement,_T("SELECT * FROM TestTabelle"));

//Get quantity from Database
int n = rs.GetODBCFieldCount( );

for( int i = 0; i < n; i++ )


m_Buy_List.InsertItem(i,LPCTSTR(value.m_lVal)); Won't work at all

m_Buy_List.SetItemText(i,2,LPCTSTR(value));Getting weird String for example "Soap" and ListBox shows "Aq3"

m_Buy_List.SetItemText(i,3,LPCTSTR(value.m_fltVal) ); Won't accept float

rs.MoveNext( );
}Perhaps you would get better results on a C++ forum...

If you know that the values must be strings, and you are retrieving each one explicitly, why not just create three variables (strings), and use those. Seems like it would be a lot easier and less trouble prone.

If you are concerned about NULLs (which you should be), change your SQL statement to use the ISNULL function on each of the fields you are dealing with:

SELECT ISNULL(index,0) AS INDEX, ISNULL(product,'') AS PRODUCT, ISNULL(price,0) AS PRICE FROM TestTabelle|||thx

i figured another way out... getFieldValue isn't accepting strings so i converted them in char :)

weird... someday i will find the official way... i will change it then :)

iam new into c++ and ms sql... learning by doing :)

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