Saturday, February 25, 2012

Certificates expiration Date

Hi There

This may seem like a stupid question but i am trying to get the hang of the new security model.

I have not really heard anything mentioned about certficate expiration date when it comes to creating certificates for keys or service broker endpoints etc.

We have created certificates for keys and service broker endpoints, now what exactly happens when the expiration date, by default 1 year i think is reached, will we no longer be able to decrypt encrypted data and will the service broker endpoints stop working etc ?

Or is this expiration date when the certificate can no longer be used to create security objects ? And all security objects already created with this certificate will always work ?

In other words is there ever danger that keys and endpoints or basically any object referrencing this certificate will just suddenly stop working one day, or will all objects work indefinately regardless of an certificate/objects expiration date ?


The certificate expiration date is not enforced by SQL Server directly. These certificates can still be used for data encrypting, decrypting, signing, verifying signatures or object creation/usage in SQL Server.

Service Broker will honor the expiration date and after a certificate has expired it cannot be used (See “Certificates for Dialog Security” ).For more information on Service broker usage of certificates I would recommend to visit Service Broker Conversations webpage at

While SQL Server itself will not prevent you from using an expired certificate, it is up to the application developers to enforce or suggest the expiration, and use the available usage of expired certificates as a disaster recovery tool rather than as a rule. I strongly recommend generating new certificates to substitute expired ones.


-Raul Garcia


SQL Server Engine

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