Friday, February 24, 2012

CE Compatibility with ADO.NET and Orcas

Does SQL Server Compact Edition fully support ADO.NET?

Will SQL Server Compact Edition fully support the ADO.NET Entity Framework?

Will SQL Server Compact Edition fully support LINQ?

1. I don't know what you would consider "fully support" but there's special SQL CE ADO.Net managed provider for both desktop and devices. It has pretty much all classes SQL Client has (with few nonessential exceptions) and even something extra (like SqlCeResultSet).

2. Don't know about desktop but there's no EF support on devices. EF on desktop is extensible, even if not supported out of the box support might be available later on.

3. Again, not sure what you mean by that. As name implies LINQ is integrated into programming languages, not into databases. If you’re asking if you’ll be able to query SQL CE database from C# or VB using, say, EF and LINQ then see #2.

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