Sunday, February 19, 2012

CDO mail attachment is not working

I have some SQL code below which I'm running on a server DEV_TESTSTAGE2 with
Windows 2000 and SQL Server 7. I'm trying to send an attachment which works
fine if the attachment is on DEV_TESTSTAGE2 but if the attachement is
somewhere else on the network it send the email without the attachment and I
get the error message below. I've had a look on the internet but most of the
web peges refer to permissions problems in ASP. In my case I'm using SQL
Server objects and I'm running the query with Windows authentication and my
NT logon id
has access to the file attachement . I've tried running the query using SQL
authentication but I get the same error.
Any help would be gratefully appreciated
Source: CDO.Message.1
Description: Access is denied
declare @.HResult int
declare @.HR int
declare @.iMsg int
declare @.Text varchar(8000)
Declare @.source varchar(255)
Declare @.output varchar(1000)
Declare @.description varchar(500)
declare @.attachfile varchar(1000)
--************* Create the CDO.Message Object ************************
exec @.HResult = sp_OACreate 'CDO.Message', @.iMsg OUT
--error handling for failure to create object......
select @.HResult, @.iMsg
--***************Configuring the Message Object ******************
exec @.HResult = sp_OASetProperty @.iMsg,
exec @.HResult = sp_OASetProperty @.iMsg,
exec @.HResult = sp_OASetProperty @.iMsg,
exec @.HResult = sp_OASetProperty @.iMsg,
exec @.HResult = sp_OASetProperty @.iMsg,
-- Save the configurations to the message object.
EXEC @.HResult = sp_OAMethod @.iMsg, 'Configuration.Fields.Update', null
-- Set the e-mail parameters.
EXEC @.HResult = sp_OASetProperty @.iMsg, 'To', 'myemailaddress'
EXEC @.HResult = sp_OASetProperty @.iMsg, 'From', 'TESTSend'
EXEC @.HResult = sp_OASetProperty @.iMsg, 'Subject', 'this is the subject'
EXEC @.HResult = sp_OASetProperty @.iMsg, 'TextBody', 'this is the body'
set @.attachfile = '\\flavius\IT\pstat.txt'
--set @.attachfile = 'c:\boot.ini'
EXEC @.HResult = sp_OAMethod @.iMsg, 'AddAttachment', Null,@.AttachFile
EXEC = sp_OAGetErrorInfo @.HResult, @.source OUT, @.description OUT
--IF = 0
SELECT @.output = ' Source: ' + @.source
PRINT @.output
SELECT @.output = ' Description: ' + @.description
PRINT @.output
EXEC @.HResult = sp_OAMethod @.iMsg, 'Send', NULL
EXEC = sp_OAGetErrorInfo @.HResult, @.source OUT, @.description OUT
--IF = 0
SELECT @.output = ' Source: ' + @.source
PRINT @.output
SELECT @.output = ' Description: ' + @.description
PRINT @.output
Do you have any permissions issue to the folder/file?
in addition ,take a look at
"Ronan" <> wrote in message
> Hi
> I have some SQL code below which I'm running on a server DEV_TESTSTAGE2
> with
> Windows 2000 and SQL Server 7. I'm trying to send an attachment which
> works
> fine if the attachment is on DEV_TESTSTAGE2 but if the attachement is
> somewhere else on the network it send the email without the attachment and
> I
> get the error message below. I've had a look on the internet but most of
> the
> web peges refer to permissions problems in ASP. In my case I'm using SQL
> Server objects and I'm running the query with Windows authentication and
> my
> NT logon id
> has access to the file attachement . I've tried running the query using
> authentication but I get the same error.
> Any help would be gratefully appreciated
> -2147024891
> Source: CDO.Message.1
> Description: Access is denied
> declare @.HResult int
> declare @.HR int
> declare @.iMsg int
> declare @.Text varchar(8000)
> Declare @.source varchar(255)
> Declare @.output varchar(1000)
> Declare @.description varchar(500)
> declare @.attachfile varchar(1000)
> --************* Create the CDO.Message Object ************************
> exec @.HResult = sp_OACreate 'CDO.Message', @.iMsg OUT
> --error handling for failure to create object......
> select @.HResult, @.iMsg
> --***************Configuring the Message Object ******************
> exec @.HResult = sp_OASetProperty @.iMsg,
> 'Configuration.fields("
> exec @.HResult = sp_OASetProperty @.iMsg,
> 'Configuration.fields("
> exec @.HResult = sp_OASetProperty @.iMsg,
> 'Configuration.fields("
> exec @.HResult = sp_OASetProperty @.iMsg,
> 'Configuration.fields("
> exec @.HResult = sp_OASetProperty @.iMsg,
> 'Configuration.fields("
> -- Save the configurations to the message object.
> EXEC @.HResult = sp_OAMethod @.iMsg, 'Configuration.Fields.Update', null
> -- Set the e-mail parameters.
> EXEC @.HResult = sp_OASetProperty @.iMsg, 'To', 'myemailaddress'
> EXEC @.HResult = sp_OASetProperty @.iMsg, 'From', 'TESTSend'
> EXEC @.HResult = sp_OASetProperty @.iMsg, 'Subject', 'this is the subject'
> EXEC @.HResult = sp_OASetProperty @.iMsg, 'TextBody', 'this is the body'
> set @.attachfile = '\\flavius\IT\pstat.txt'
> --set @.attachfile = 'c:\boot.ini'
> EXEC @.HResult = sp_OAMethod @.iMsg, 'AddAttachment', Null,@.AttachFile
> EXEC = sp_OAGetErrorInfo @.HResult, @.source OUT, @.description OUT
> --IF = 0
> -- BEGIN
> SELECT @.output = ' Source: ' + @.source
> PRINT @.output
> SELECT @.output = ' Description: ' + @.description
> PRINT @.output
> EXEC @.HResult = sp_OAMethod @.iMsg, 'Send', NULL
> EXEC = sp_OAGetErrorInfo @.HResult, @.source OUT, @.description OUT
> --IF = 0
> -- BEGIN
> SELECT @.output = ' Source: ' + @.source
> PRINT @.output
> SELECT @.output = ' Description: ' + @.description
> PRINT @.output
> --
> Ronan|||Hi Uri
Yes I should have mentioned I do have access to the has 'Everyone'
I had a look at the article you sent refers to xp_smtp_sendmail...I
can't find that extended stored procedure in the master database of SQL
Server 2000...I have xp_sendmail but that requires you set up
a MAPI client which I don't want to do I want to send it via SMTP
"Uri Dimant" wrote:

> Ronan
> Do you have any permissions issue to the folder/file?
> in addition ,take a look at
> "Ronan" <> wrote in message
>|||I have used the xp_smtpsendmail extended stored procedure. It works well,
but you will have to download the .ddl it, and you'll find it. I've
used it to send reports generated as text files to business managers in the
past with great will have to copy it to your sql\bin folder,
and registewr it inside sql, to get it to work...easy to do.
"Ronan" wrote:
> Hi Uri
> Yes I should have mentioned I do have access to the has 'Everyon
> permission
> I had a look at the article you sent refers to xp_smtp_sendmail...
> can't find that extended stored procedure in the master database of SQL
> Server 2000...I have xp_sendmail but that requires you set up
> a MAPI client which I don't want to do I want to send it via SMTP
> --
> Ronan
> "Uri Dimant" wrote:
>|||Hi Tom
I downloaded and installed xp_smtp_sendmail and again it works fine for
which are on the machine where xp_smtp_sendmail is registered but it
still doesn't seem
to work when the attachment is on a different machine. I think I'll just
have to put my attachments
on the machine where xp_smtp_sendmail is registered as a work around.
Thanks for your help.
"Tom Mongold" wrote:
> I have used the xp_smtpsendmail extended stored procedure. It works well,
> but you will have to download the .ddl it, and you'll find it. I'
> used it to send reports generated as text files to business managers in th
> past with great will have to copy it to your sql\bin folder
> and registewr it inside sql, to get it to work...easy to do.
> "Ronan" wrote:

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