Saturday, February 25, 2012

Certificate security and Dynamic Routing

I've been reseaching on SSB and have read quite a number of posts on this forum that closely relate to what im trying to achieve. I have a solution im designing that ideally consists of a central server (SQLENTERPRISE) that will receive messages asynchronously from remote clients (SQLEXPRESS) spanning a wide geographical region over a GPRS virtual private network on a TCP/IP transport. This ideally is a star and spoke architecture and requirements dictate high level security, no loss of messages whatsover as well as high reliability and scalability.

To meet the security requirement in the context of the above scenario, i was thinking implementing both dialog and endpoint security using certificates would be ideal. I've downloaded some samples and have encountered problems simulating the above scenario on 3 machines (I Server & 2 Clients). Client1 sends messags successfully, the 2nd client doesnt possibly because the certificate on the server matches that to client1 since i ran that script first. How do i make it that the Server shares one certificate with all remote clients? Or is there a better way to configure SSB to work in this scenario?

Secondly i have hard coded the Server's IP Address in the Routes created on the Clients. Considering this is over a GPRS Virtual network, how can i make the clients dyamically "discover" the Server? The idea here is to make adding and setting up of new remote clients easy so that you can just plug them in to the existing network

Any help or pointers would be greatly appreciated.


this is exactly what you need:

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