Friday, February 24, 2012

Cell Data Security question

I have a cube that needs to filter out data for a group of users based on the company they work for.

I thought about using the following MDX expression in the Cell Data section in the Edit Roles window for this particular cube:

Ancestor([Dim OPCO].CurrentMember,[OPCO]) IS [COMPANY NAME]

The issue is that the users have to select there particular OPCO COMPANY Name in which ever tool they are using otherwise they will only see NA as the value for all measures.

I would like to filter the data somehow so they do not need to select the particular company they are working for. I would then setup different role groups based on the users company.

Is there some other way of accomplishing this type of task using a filter or scope command?

Thanks ahead of time

Steve Fibich

Hi Steve,

Once you have your roles in place, how about using member security to only permit the company users to see the member for their company? (And make this the default member for that particular role - I assume this is possible, but have yet to do it myself!).

An alternative is to have separate cubes for each company, which I can appreciate is a considerable amount of overhead.





This sounds like a good solution, how do you set the default propertie in the role. I tried the the following MDX but I get an error when I try to open the Cube.

Under default Member for that particular dimension

[Dim OPCO].[Opco Desc].MemberValue =[Company Name]

I am pretty new to MDX so if this statement is incorrect please let me know. Also is there a good place to get actual examples of MDX vs. the description provided through most of the MS MSDN help sites.




Never mind I just found the MDX GUI Tool ....I am a little slow today.

Thanks for your help.

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