Sunday, February 19, 2012

CDONS.mail not working

I have a procedure that sends mail using CDONTS.mail
@.From varchar(255),
@.To varchar(255),
@.Message varchar(8000),
@.Subject varchar(255))
DECLARE @.CDO int, @.OLEResult int, @.Out int
--Create CDONTS.NewMail object
EXECUTE @.OLEResult = sp_OACreate 'CDONTS.NewMail', @.CDO OUT
IF @.OLEResult <> 0 PRINT 'CDONTS.NewMail'
EXECUTE @.OLEResult = sp_OASetProperty @.CDO, 'BodyFormat', 0
EXECUTE @.OLEResult = sp_OASetProperty @.CDO, 'MailFormat', 0
--Call Send method of the object
execute @.OLEResult = sp_OAMethod @.CDO, 'Send', Null, @.From, @.To,
@.Subject, @.Message, 1 --0 is low 1 is normal
IF @.OLEResult <> 0 PRINT 'Send'
--Destroy CDO
EXECUTE @.OLEResult = sp_OADestroy @.CDO
return @.OLEResult
It runs well in a server but fails in other server
When I executed it in QA, it displays "The command(s) completed
successfully." without sending the mail
Is that server missing any settings?
MadhivananDon't use CDONTS.NewMail, it's been deprecated and no longer ships with
My suggestion is to set up an SMTP server and use xp_smtp_sendmail. Barring
that, use CDO.Message. See for more details on
both methods (note that in the working sample, each property is set
individually, whereas you attempt to pass a bunch of properties into a
single call).
"Madhivanan" <> wrote in message
> I have a procedure that sends mail using CDONTS.mail
> @.From varchar(255),
> @.To varchar(255),
> @.Message varchar(8000),
> @.Subject varchar(255))
> AS
> DECLARE @.CDO int, @.OLEResult int, @.Out int
> --Create CDONTS.NewMail object
> EXECUTE @.OLEResult = sp_OACreate 'CDONTS.NewMail', @.CDO OUT
> IF @.OLEResult <> 0 PRINT 'CDONTS.NewMail'
> EXECUTE @.OLEResult = sp_OASetProperty @.CDO, 'BodyFormat', 0
> EXECUTE @.OLEResult = sp_OASetProperty @.CDO, 'MailFormat', 0
> --Call Send method of the object
> execute @.OLEResult = sp_OAMethod @.CDO, 'Send', Null, @.From, @.To,
> @.Subject, @.Message, 1 --0 is low 1 is normal
> IF @.OLEResult <> 0 PRINT 'Send'
> --Destroy CDO
> EXECUTE @.OLEResult = sp_OADestroy @.CDO
> return @.OLEResult
> It runs well in a server but fails in other server
> When I executed it in QA, it displays "The command(s) completed
> successfully." without sending the mail
> Is that server missing any settings?
> Madhivanan

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