Sunday, February 19, 2012

cdonts send mail T-SQL - IIS SMTP setup


I would like to send mail from sql server using CDONTS.

I have the sql code for this and it works for internal addresses.

I get an error/warning saying that it cannot relay for external addresses when I try an outside domain.

Is there settings in IIS for the SMTP service that I can change to allow it to relay to the external domains?

I have everything running on the SQL Server, and I do not have access to the exchange server.

ThanksCDONTS sends email to the Local SMTP server. You can specify a "smart host" that the local server can forward any email it can't deliver.

Search the help for the IIS SMTP Virtual Server. It's likely the network blocks any unapproved system from using the smtp port, and it's also likely the approved ones will need to allow your system to relay through them.

Jay Grubb
Technical Consultant
OpenLink Software
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Universal Data Access & Virtual Database Technology Providers

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