Saturday, February 25, 2012

Centralizing Two Stored Procedure Queries (one using Cursor Ou

Sorry, one more question: In your example, would there be any way to return
only a subset of the fields in the stored proc query. For example, if you
wanted a temporary table with only the orderid field. Like this:
create table #t (orderid int)
insert into #t(orderid)
exec dbo.p1, @.ed
I'll need it like this because my store proc "spTrucker" has many, many
fields, and I only need about 4 or 5 of them in the cursor.
Thanks again,
"Alejandro Mesa" wrote:
> John,
> You do not need a cursor output parameter. You can grab the result of the
> "spTrucker" in sp "spDistinctCodes". See "insert into ... exec ..." in BOL
> Example:
> use northwind
> go
> create procedure dbo.p1
> datetime,
> @.ed datetime
> as
> set nocount on
> select
> orderid, orderdate, customerid
> from
> dbo.orders
> where
> orderdate >= convert(char(8),, 112)
> and orderdate < convert(char(8), dateadd(day, 1, @.ed), 112)
> return @.@.error
> go
> create procedure dbo.p2
> datetime,
> @.ed datetime
> as
> set nocount on
> declare @.orderid int
> declare @.orderdate varchar(25)
> declare @.customerid nchar(5)
> create table #t (orderid int, orderdate datetime, customerid nchar(5))
> insert into #t(orderid, orderdate, customerid)
> exec dbo.p1, @.ed
> declare my_cursor cursor local fast_forward
> for
> select orderid, orderdate, customerid
> from #t
> order by orderdate
> open my_cursor
> while 1 = 1
> begin
> fetch next from my_cursor into @.orderid, @.orderdate, @.customerid
> if @.@.error != 0 or @.@.fetch_status != 0 break
> raiserror('%d %s %s', 10, 1, @.orderid, @.orderdate, @.customerid) with nowa
> end
> close my_cursor
> deallocate my_cursor
> go
> exec dbo.p2 '19970701', '19970731'
> go
> drop procedure p2, p1
> go
> How to share data between stored procedures
> "John Walker" wrote:
The ddl for the temporary table need to match all columns returned by the
sp. You can not grab just a subset.
"John Walker" wrote:
> Alejandro,
> Sorry, one more question: In your example, would there be any way to retu
> only a subset of the fields in the stored proc query. For example, if you
> wanted a temporary table with only the orderid field. Like this:
> create table #t (orderid int)
> insert into #t(orderid)
> exec dbo.p1, @.ed
> I'll need it like this because my store proc "spTrucker" has many, many
> fields, and I only need about 4 or 5 of them in the cursor.
> Thanks again,
> John
> "Alejandro Mesa" wrote:

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