Sunday, February 19, 2012

CDONTS on sql2000 ?

I need to send email in html format, but xp_sendmail
doesnot support it.
Does anyone know hot to use cdonts on sql2000 ?
Thx.On Tue, 4 Nov 2003 16:59:28 -0800, "Kresna Rudy Kurniawan"
<> wrote:
>I need to send email in html format, but xp_sendmail
>doesnot support it.
>Does anyone know hot to use cdonts on sql2000 ?
Instead of CDONTS, use CDOSYS on Windows 2000.
Ross McKay, WebAware Pty Ltd
"Words can only hurt if you try to read them. Don't play their game" - Zoolander|||> Does anyone know hot to use cdonts on sql2000 ?
CDONTS is deprecated.
Use CDO.Message or, better yet, xp_smtp_sendmail.|||You can use XPSMTP instead, see http://SQLDev.Net/xp/xpsmtp.htm
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"Kresna Rudy Kurniawan" <> wrote in message
> I need to send email in html format, but xp_sendmail
> doesnot support it.
> Does anyone know hot to use cdonts on sql2000 ?
> Thx.

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