Friday, February 24, 2012 hangs, query works fine in Management Studio?

Hi All,

We are experiencing a very strange Cellset behaviour.

Trying to open a cellset in VBA (same in VB6) in Excel 2003, using ADOMD.Catalog, accessing a AS2005SP2, the system 'sometimes' hangs, depending on the 'dynamic' MDX query string. While the query works fine in the SQL Management Studio.

For example, this MDX works fine:

select descendants {[Measures].[NumberOfA]} on columns, [Time].[Month].[200502] on rows

from [DWH]
where {([Client].[Hierarchy].[Group].&[G000879])}

This one causes Excel (and VB6) to freeze, but nicely returns a result in SQL Management Studio!!!?

select descendants {[Measures].[NumberOfA]} on columns, [Time].[Month].[200501] on rows

from [DWH]
where {([Client].[Hierarchy].[Group].&[G000879])}

There is nothing wrong with the data, it's more connection related (I expect...)?

Does somebody have any advice?

PS: we have msxml6,asoledb9 installed

It is a firewall issue. See also:



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