Saturday, February 25, 2012

CeWriteRecordProps failling with a empty FILETIME field..

Hi All, Does anyone have already made an application that writes some data into the EDB Pocket database ? I′m trying to insert a record with a empty FILETIME field and I′m getting the Error 87 (INVALID_PARAMETER), I′ve tested with some date in the field and the record is added sucessfull, it seems that the database doesn′t accept anymore empty FILETIME fields? Is it true? I didn't find anything in the docs.
thanx in advance.
The CEPROPVAL is OEM dependent. Have you verified the behavior on other devices too? If that remains the same, I need to investigate further.|||

Hi Thiago,

Are you using CeWriteRecordProps (EDB)? If so, then yes you would get error if you are passing empty FILETIME field. Somehow, this is missed in documentation. We have a bug for that, and I would check the status.

Please pass non-empty FILETIME to get yourself unblocked. Sorry for the pain created.


Laxmi Narsimha Rao ORUGANTI, SQL Server Everywhere, Microsoft Corporation


Hi Laxmi,

Thank you very much for your reply, I′m passing now a non-empty FILETIME and it's working very well, now I'm stuck in another function, a similar problem with the CeSeekDatabaseEx funcion, especially when used with the CEOID, BEGINNING, LAST or CURRENT flags.

In the documentation, MSDN says that isn't necessary to open the database with a sort order when seeking with these flags, but if I do this, get the same ERROR 87 (INVALID_PARAMETER).

The function only works (find a record sucessfully) when I open the database specifing a sort order.

Do you know something about this issue?

In the documentation is:

The ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER may be returned in the following situations:

x. The database was opened without a specified sort order, and dwSeekType is
a value other than the following:

All other seek types require the use of a sort order.


Thanx in advance,

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