Saturday, February 25, 2012

Chaching Sqldatasource datasets... can it be done? and a performance question.

I'm using visual basic coded datasets right now, and caching them, so as all of my web app users access the cache once the first person's gone to my site and initiallized the page.

If Cache("ds_cache") Is Nothing Then

Dim ds As New DataSet

blah blah code blah blah blah

Cache.Insert("ds_cache", ds)

End If

What I was wondering is, if it's possible to cache the datasets that get created and are used by Sqldatasources. Or if by chance caching is automatically done and controlled for these datasets, as it's the server that makes and handles them.

The reason I wonder about this because I'm not sure how you go about referencing one of those datasets, because you can't give them a name/id. And I've not found mention anywhere of you being able to do so.

The real point or question I'm trying to get at is to see which performs better , or uses less requests back to the server for the data as a lot of my data will be repeatedly used by all of my users and so I'd like to save myself from using as many repeated connections as possibles in regards to using a typed dataset versus filling my controls from a sqldatasource?

Thank you in advance for your response.

You know what, I pretty much found my answer:

The question still remains of if a sqldatasource would outperform a typed dataset?

It makes you wonder, as a typed dataset you don't have to worry about time spent on conversions, etc. but you would think that server built and controlled dataset might perform better, or atleast it would probably build faster when it's first created... please do reply if you have insight.

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