Thursday, March 8, 2012

change chart color


Is it possible to specify color in more detail in the switch statement?

not "yellow" or "red" but I want to determine the colors by "RGB-values"...

hope everyone understands my problem



Not sure I understand your question, but you can specify colors as RGB values like HTML colors. Instead of specifying a color by name, you specify it as RGB values, e.g.:


-- Robert


Hi Rhapsy,

This is what I use for charts

Put this in the code window (Reports/Properties/Code). you can use RGB values or colour names

Public Function Qtr_Colour(Quarter as String) As string

Dim Bar_Colour as String

Select Case Quarter

Case "Qtr 1"

Bar_Colour = "#CCCCCC"

Case "Qtr 2"

Bar_Colour = "#333333"

Case "Qtr 3"

Bar_Colour = "#FFCC00"

Case "Qtr 4"

Bar_Colour = "Silver"

Case "Qtr +"

Bar_Colour = "LightYellow"

Case Else

Bar_Colour = "#FFFFFF"

End Select

Return Bar_Colour

End Function

Then reference it in the formatting area of your chart data item (chart properties/data:values/edit/appearance/series style/ fill) like this...


Hope that's of interest to you.



thank you for your answers. they are both helpful and that exactly what i'm loking for ...



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