Thursday, March 8, 2012

Change chart type dynamically from Column to Line graph?

I am developing several charts with column type and sub type as stacked. There is a requirement from the users that they want an option to choose the type of chart.

Is it possible to change chart type dynamically from say Column type to Line type based on user option in front-end?

Any help will be appreciated.

Thanks in advance !!

The closest you can get directly in RS at this point is to define multiple charts with different types and conditionally only show one of the charts based on a parameter selection.

-- Robert


I have the same problem.

I created 5 charts on one report. but i dont want to execute the report for each change.

all the charts are using the same dataset.

Can i show /Hide all the charts except the choosen one by clicking on a textbox?



Yes you could do that by adding a drillthrough navigation action on the textbox. Add a drillthrough parameter which determines which chart should be shown in the drillthrough target report. Note that you could also setup the navigation action to drill to the current report with a certain parameter value.

More information about drillthrough reports is available here:

-- Robert


thanks Robert.

but, by using the drillthrough option, i actually execute again the same report, and again i execute the sql store-procedure.

i want to avoid it: one time execution and after it all the graphs changes will be on the client side.

does it doable?



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