Thursday, March 8, 2012

Change authentication

I am not good endlish. I am thai.

I try to change authentication from win --> sql authen. I am use sql express and management tool.I am select at .\sqlexpress --> property -->security and change authentication from win authentication to sql authentication and click OK

after that re-connect and change to sql authentication but It not work.

Pls tell me How to change authentication.

Thank you for you help

Hi there,

From your description it seems that you've changed the authentication mode successfully.

I would assume, then, that the problem has something to do with the SQL Server account you are using. So:

* What account are you using?
* Does it have a password that you might have forgotten to enter? (sorry about asking that)

What you could do, to test that everything is absolutely OK is switch back to Windows Authentication, log into your SQL Server instance and create a new SQL Server user (e.g. test_user) with no password (or you could set a password, up to you).

After doing that, disconnect from your sever and reconnect using SQL Server Authentication. Set the account as the one you just created and enter whatever password you set (or nothing if you set not password).

Hopefully you'll log in successfully.

Hope that helps a bit, but sorry if it doesn't
|||You have to restart the service.

HTH, Jens Suessmeyer.

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