Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Change "Report is being generated"


I develop some application using SQL Server Reporting Services 2005 to Russian customers. They usually don't know English well. That's why I really want to change phrase "Report is being generated" to Russian words.
How can I do it? I tried to fing this phrase in configuration files or registry but there wasn't success.

Thank you,Hi,

If I change the language of the browser, the language of the "Report is being generated" changes. Not sure if you have already tried this. If you have, then I'm guessing the Server doesn't have Russian language capabilities. I tried in Russian and it didn't work.

Tommy|||Well, I use Russian version of Internet Explorer and English version of SQL Server. There is no Russian SQL Server yet.
So, maybe there is any "low-level" feature to change this phrase?|||

If you are using the ReportViewer control, you can customize the message by implementing IReportViewerMessages. The specific property that will help you is ProgressText.

|||Well, I tried to do this. I full copied sample but all the time I receive "The type MySample.CReportViewerCustomMessages does not implement

IReportViewerMessages or could not be found".
When I try to use this class in other keys at web.config, everything is OK...|||Most likely the problem is that the class could not be found. Are you using the fully qualified name of the class, including the assembly and public key if necessary?|||Well, I tried... Is there any example of using this feature? It'll be very useful!|||There are some sample implementations on MSDN, though it sounds like your issue is with deployment, not implementation. Will you post the exact line you are adding to the web.config file? You should be able to take the config file value and pass it to Type.GetType() without errors. Your assembly should also be in the same location as the rest of your binaries or in the GAC.|||

how can i create assembly for web config,

my class name inherited from IReportMessages name is "newMessages" and its in app_code. my project has not namespace.

my project name is reportWeb.(reportWeb/app_code/newMessages class path)


You can set the value of the web.config entry to:

value="Namespace.Classname, APP_CODE"

If you have no namespace, then:

value="Classname, APP_CODE"


I solved, it was my fault.When I looked assamblies I have created two version, I was giving wrong version of assambly.I deleted that then I give the valid one to referance web.config It is worked.Thanks.


I'm getting the same error over and over, I try a lot of stuff but nothing takes me to the solution!

Can anyone give a complete walkthrought since the creation of a classe to the final web.config edit? Please!



first you should create class library project.

I create strong key with "sn -k <project path>".

my project name is prometus, and my class name msg which is inherited from IReportViewerMessages

"namespace Prometus


public class msg:IReportViewerMessages


Then implement the Interface.

then in AssemblyInfo.cs give your strong named key path.(if your .snk file is not in your project path use full path sample: "c:\a.snk")

[assembly: AssemblyKeyFile("..\\..\\a.snk")]

then build your project.

you should load assembly to gac.

in command prompt use gacutil -i "your dllname".

at last add referance the aspx project which you load assembly to gac.When you add the referanc you will see in web.config something like my simple:

<!--<add assembly="Prometus, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=2012E2319B76027D"/>-->

then add the appsettings key like this

<!--<add key="ReportViewerMessages" value="Prometus.Msg, Prometus, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=2012E2319B76027D"/>-->


Thanks for your information!

I read and implement every line that you give, but I'm having trouble to understand the procedure in the line: "

at last add referance the aspx project which you load assembly to gac.When you add the referanc you will see in web.config something like my simple:

<!--<add assembly="Prometus, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=2012E2319B76027D"/>-->"

I'm using the Reporting Services of the SQL Server 2005 and did't find the right place to put the "<!--<add assembly="Prometus, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=2012E2319B76027D"/>-->" Can you help me in this one too?

Thanks for all your help!


PedroMarques wrote:

Thanks for your information!

I read and implement every line that you give, but I'm having trouble to understand the procedure in the line: "

at last add referance the aspx project which you load assembly to gac.When you add the referanc you will see in web.config something like my simple:

<!--<add assembly="Prometus, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=2012E2319B76027D"/>-->"

I'm using the Reporting Services of the SQL Server 2005 and did't find the right place to put the "<!--<add assembly="Prometus, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=2012E2319B76027D"/>-->" Can you help me in this one too?

Thanks for all your help!

I forgot to tell one thing, I'm trying to translate the Report Manager of the Report Server Browser! I'm not creating a project that uses the report view component...

This quote was just to clarify this point...

Thanks again for your time!

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