I have an app that connects to the default instance of msde. After some
conflicts with other app's msdes, I now want to use a named instance. This
is no problem from within the app, but can I change the default msde
instance to a named instance without losing the any data, and without
reinstalling msde?
No you cant do directly.
1. Take a backup of all databases (Including system databases)
2. Stop SQL Server and copy the MDF and LDF to a safe place
3. Un Install the MSDE
4. Install MSDE and same service pack as old with same folder structure
5. Stop sql server
6. COpy the MDF and LDF (taken in step 2) to the same folder as old
7. Restart SQL server service
8. Execute the below comamnds in OSQL to change the server name
sp_dropserver <oldserver>
sp_addserver <new named server>,local
If these steps fail (Step 6 and 7) then use the database backup taken in
step-1 to restore all the databases.
"Robbs" <rms14can@.hotmail.com> wrote in message
> I have an app that connects to the default instance of msde. After some
> conflicts with other app's msdes, I now want to use a named instance. This
> is no problem from within the app, but can I change the default msde
> instance to a named instance without losing the any data, and without
> reinstalling msde?
|||Hi Robbs,
You can not change a default installation to a named instance.
You will have to reinstall MSDE as a named instance.
You will not loose data. Just make sure that you backup the database.
This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights.
|||Thanks everyone!! Thats what I figured I would have to do; just wnated to
make sure there was no easier way.
Thnx Robb
"Ashish Ruparel [MSFT]" <v-ashrup@.online.microsoft.com> wrote in message
> Hi Robbs,
> You can not change a default installation to a named instance.
> You will have to reinstall MSDE as a named instance.
> You will not loose data. Just make sure that you backup the database.
> Ashish
> This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no
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