Thursday, March 22, 2012

Change Default Filename with Export?

When I use URL Access to render a report with specified parameters and a
format (e.g. PDF), when I choose "Save" (instead of Open) the default
filename is listed as "ThisReportName.pdf". I need to have the "Save As"
name to be very specific (e.g. include the date and the customer ID, like
EN12345-9-27-07.pdf) and ready to save without any typing by the end-user.
I cannot find a URL parameter that will change the default filename (to be
saved) for an exported PDF. Is this possible with SSRS?
Thanks for any help or direction.On Sep 27, 12:10 pm, "Don Miller" <> wrote:
> When I use URL Access to render a report with specified parameters and a
> format (e.g. PDF), when I choose "Save" (instead of Open) the default
> filename is listed as "ThisReportName.pdf". I need to have the "Save As"
> name to be very specific (e.g. include the date and the customer ID, like
> EN12345-9-27-07.pdf) and ready to save without any typing by the end-user.
> I cannot find a URL parameter that will change the default filename (to be
> saved) for an exported PDF. Is this possible with SSRS?
> Thanks for any help or direction.
I believe that I answered this question in your other posting.
Enrique Martinez
Sr. Software Consultant

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