Wednesday, March 7, 2012

challenging sql queries

here is a structure of tables in a database

CUSTOMERS (CustID*, CompanyName, ContactName, ContactTitle, Address,
City, Region, PostalCode, Country, Phone, Fax)

EMPLOYEES (EmployeeID*, Lastname, Firstname, Title, TitleofCourtesy,
Birthdate, Hiredate, Address, City, Region, Postalcode, Country,
Homephone, Extension, Reportsto)

ORDERS (OrderID*, CustID, EmployeeID, OrderDate, RequiredDate,
ShippedDate, ShipVia, Freight, ShipName, ShipAddress, ShipCity,
Shipregion, ShipPostalCode, ShipCountry)

ORDER_DETAILS (OrderID*, ProductID*, UnitPrice, Quantity, Discount)

PRODUCTS (ProductID*, ProductName, SupplierID, PL_ID, QuantityPerUnit,
UnitPrice, UnitsInStock, UnitsOnOrder, ReorderLevel, Discontinued)

PRODUCT_LINES (PL_Id*, PL_Name, Description)

SHIPPERS (ShipperID*, CompanyName, Phone)

SUPPLIERS (Supplierid*, Companyname, Contactname, Contacttitle,
Address, City, Region, Postalcode, Country,Phone,Fax)

* - Primary keys

queries (these are problem questions given in a competition!!!)

1.) In which month of 1997 was the most number of orders placed? List
the month, number of orders placed during that month , number of
customers who placed orders in that month , gross (i.e. disregard
discount) total value of orders placed .

Determine the products for which there has been at least one
order during each month of 1997. Display for these products: the
Product ID, Product name, Product Line Name, number of orders placed
during 1997 , number of customers who have ordered the product in 1997
, and gross (i.e. disregarding discount) total value of orders placed
for the product in 1997 .

3.) Find the customers who have placed orders during 1996 & 1997 for
products in every product line AND who have had their orders handled
by either all employees or all but one employee. Display the customer
ID, company name, address, city, country and number of orders placed

4.) For each product line, find the top three customers (based on
maximum total purchase value; ignore discounts). Display the Product
Line name, the Customer ID & Company name, and the total purchase
value for that customer in the product line . Sort the output by
Product Line and within that, the line revenue figure (highest first).
i think rank() shud b used

any clues/ideas ?On 6 Mar 2004 02:15:00 -0800, (dada) wrote:

>any clues/ideas ?

Go to class more often?

Mike Sherrill
Information Management Systems|||"dada" <> wrote in message om...
> here is a structure of tables in a database

This is not a structure of any sort of daatabase. There's nothing here
about datatypes.

Is CustID a character field? A numeric, or something else?

There's no sample data either.

Do your homework and then come back with proper DDL and example data and
then perhaps folks can help.

> CUSTOMERS (CustID*, CompanyName, ContactName, ContactTitle, Address,
> City, Region, PostalCode, Country, Phone, Fax)
> EMPLOYEES (EmployeeID*, Lastname, Firstname, Title, TitleofCourtesy,
> Birthdate, Hiredate, Address, City, Region, Postalcode, Country,
> Homephone, Extension, Reportsto)
> ORDERS (OrderID*, CustID, EmployeeID, OrderDate, RequiredDate,
> ShippedDate, ShipVia, Freight, ShipName, ShipAddress, ShipCity,
> Shipregion, ShipPostalCode, ShipCountry)
> ORDER_DETAILS (OrderID*, ProductID*, UnitPrice, Quantity, Discount)
> PRODUCTS (ProductID*, ProductName, SupplierID, PL_ID, QuantityPerUnit,
> UnitPrice, UnitsInStock, UnitsOnOrder, ReorderLevel, Discontinued)
> PRODUCT_LINES (PL_Id*, PL_Name, Description)
> SHIPPERS (ShipperID*, CompanyName, Phone)
> SUPPLIERS (Supplierid*, Companyname, Contactname, Contacttitle,
> Address, City, Region, Postalcode, Country,Phone,Fax)
> * - Primary keys
> queries (these are problem questions given in a competition!!!)
> 1.) In which month of 1997 was the most number of orders placed? List
> the month, number of orders placed during that month , number of
> customers who placed orders in that month , gross (i.e. disregard
> discount) total value of orders placed .
> 2.)
> Determine the products for which there has been at least one
> order during each month of 1997. Display for these products: the
> Product ID, Product name, Product Line Name, number of orders placed
> during 1997 , number of customers who have ordered the product in 1997
> , and gross (i.e. disregarding discount) total value of orders placed
> for the product in 1997 .
> 3.) Find the customers who have placed orders during 1996 & 1997 for
> products in every product line AND who have had their orders handled
> by either all employees or all but one employee. Display the customer
> ID, company name, address, city, country and number of orders placed
> 4.) For each product line, find the top three customers (based on
> maximum total purchase value; ignore discounts). Display the Product
> Line name, the Customer ID & Company name, and the total purchase
> value for that customer in the product line . Sort the output by
> Product Line and within that, the line revenue figure (highest first).
> i think rank() shud b used
> any clues/ideas ?|||At any of the universities I have attended or taught at, attempting to
present the work of other people as your own work is grounds for
expulsion or termination.

A few years back, I filed a compliant against a student at a University
in New Zealand for this. I do not know what action was against him.

Please post DDL, so that people do not have to guess what the keys,
constraints, Declarative Referential Integrity, datatypes, etc. in your
schema are.

*** Sent via Developersdex ***
Don't just participate in USENET...get rewarded for it!|||Greg D. Moore (Strider) ( writes:
> This is not a structure of any sort of daatabase. There's nothing here
> about datatypes.
> Is CustID a character field? A numeric, or something else?
> There's no sample data either.

Of course there is! Don't you recognize Northwind when you see it?

Erland Sommarskog, SQL Server MVP,

Books Online for SQL Server SP3 at|||"Erland Sommarskog" <> wrote in message
> Greg D. Moore (Strider) ( writes:
> > This is not a structure of any sort of daatabase. There's nothing here
> > about datatypes.
> > Is CustID a character field? A numeric, or something else?
> > There's no sample data either.
> Of course there is! Don't you recognize Northwind when you see it?

Touche. I'll go slink back into my corner now. :-)

> --
> Erland Sommarskog, SQL Server MVP,
> Books Online for SQL Server SP3 at
>|||Hi Joe,

the world is full of people trying to make something to survive, why
somes few others giving orders to, says "this is what I have done..."

Don't you recognize G. Bush and american soldiers ?
French humour, you can say !

A +

Joe Celko a crit:
> At any of the universities I have attended or taught at, attempting to
> present the work of other people as your own work is grounds for
> expulsion or termination.
> A few years back, I filed a compliant against a student at a University
> in New Zealand for this. I do not know what action was against him.
> --CELKO--
> ===========================
> Please post DDL, so that people do not have to guess what the keys,
> constraints, Declarative Referential Integrity, datatypes, etc. in your
> schema are.
> *** Sent via Developersdex ***
> Don't just participate in USENET...get rewarded for it!

Frdric BROUARD, MVP Microsoft SQL Server. Langage SQL / Delphi / web
Livre SQL - col. Rfrence :
Le site du SQL, pour dbutants et pros :
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