Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Chain linkage mismatch

For the past few weeks I have been intermitently plagued with errors
similar to the one below. There is no pattern as it can occur on any
database and on any given table. We are running SQL SERVER 2000.
Error: 8908, Severity: 22, State: 6
Table error: Database ID 29, object ID 1220199397, index ID 0. Chain
linkage mismatch. (1:537042)->next = (1:895619), but (1:895619)->prev = (1:536384).
If I run DBCC CHECKDB (no problems are reported back) and the problem
has mysteriously cleared itself. I believe it may be a RAM issue, as I
believe the DBCC CHECKDB is probably flushing the RAM yet the RAM
diagnostics we run do not indicate a problem. I know we have a problem
with our drive cage which is about to be replaced. The problems caused
by it are identified with the CHECKDB and the table has to be REINDEXED.
I do not believe that this is the issue as with above error as now
reindedxing has to occur to correct the problem.
I am fairly new to the DBA world and any thoughts/ideas here would be
greatly appreciated.
Thanks in advance for any help that may be provided.
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Hope this helps.
Sal Terillo
"Dan Duncan" <> wrote in message
> For the past few weeks I have been intermitently plagued with errors
> similar to the one below. There is no pattern as it can occur on any
> database and on any given table. We are running SQL SERVER 2000.
> Error: 8908, Severity: 22, State: 6
> Table error: Database ID 29, object ID 1220199397, index ID 0. Chain
> linkage mismatch. (1:537042)->next = (1:895619), but (1:895619)->prev => (1:536384).
> If I run DBCC CHECKDB (no problems are reported back) and the problem
> has mysteriously cleared itself. I believe it may be a RAM issue, as I
> believe the DBCC CHECKDB is probably flushing the RAM yet the RAM
> diagnostics we run do not indicate a problem. I know we have a problem
> with our drive cage which is about to be replaced. The problems caused
> by it are identified with the CHECKDB and the table has to be REINDEXED.
> I do not believe that this is the issue as with above error as now
> reindedxing has to occur to correct the problem.
> I am fairly new to the DBA world and any thoughts/ideas here would be
> greatly appreciated.
> Thanks in advance for any help that may be provided.
> Dan
> *** Sent via Developersdex ***
> Don't just participate in USENET...get rewarded for it!|||I am having a similar problem, the Microsoft website says that it's
something to do with the no lock hint or it may be to do with BCPing in
data to the table, my problem is that I do neither of these. I have
solved the problem periodically by dropping the primary key, doing a
dbcc dbreindex on the table and recreating the key. It reoccurs about
once a week. This is the error that comes up from checktable
Msg 8935, Sev 16: Table error: Object ID 7xxx6, index ID 1. The previous
link (1:250470) on page (1:250471) does not match the previous page
(1:709662) that the parent (1:674586), slot 79 expects for this page.
[SQLSTATE 42000]
Msg 8936, Sev 16: Table error: Object ID 7xxx6, index ID 1. B-tree chain
linkage mismatch. (1:709662)->next = (1:250471), but (1:250471)->Prev =(1:250470). [SQLSTATE 42000]
Msg 2536, Sev 16: DBCC results for 'APL'. [SQLSTATE 01000]
Msg 2593, Sev 16: There are 352795 rows in 18831 pages for object 'APL'.
[SQLSTATE 01000]
Msg 8990, Sev 16: CHECKTABLE found 0 allocation errors and 2 consistency
errors in table 'APL' (object ID 7xxx6). [SQLSTATE 01000]
Msg 8958, Sev 16: repair_rebuild is the minimum repair level for the
errors found by DBCC CHECKTABLE (Database.dbo.APL ). [SQLSTATE 01000]
and this is the error I get from users
Table error: Database ID 1, object ID 7xxx6, index ID 0. Chain linkage
mismatch. (1:709662)->next = (1:250471), but (1:250471)->prev =(1:250470)..
Error: 8908, Severity: 22, State: 6
If anyone can help, we are at a total loss at the moment.
Posted via|||In that case, it looks like you've got recurring hardware corruption. Is
there any correlation between the page Ids that are referenced in the weekly
error messages? Have you looked through the NT event log and SQL Server
error logs for messages indicating hardware problems. You should also run
hardware diagnostics on your IO subsystem.
Paul Randal
DBCC Technical Lead, Microsoft SQL Server Storage Engine
This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights.
"blatchfordpeter" <> wrote in message
> I am having a similar problem, the Microsoft website says that it's
> something to do with the no lock hint or it may be to do with BCPing in
> data to the table, my problem is that I do neither of these. I have
> solved the problem periodically by dropping the primary key, doing a
> dbcc dbreindex on the table and recreating the key. It reoccurs about
> once a week. This is the error that comes up from checktable
> Msg 8935, Sev 16: Table error: Object ID 7xxx6, index ID 1. The previous
> link (1:250470) on page (1:250471) does not match the previous page
> (1:709662) that the parent (1:674586), slot 79 expects for this page.
> [SQLSTATE 42000]
> Msg 8936, Sev 16: Table error: Object ID 7xxx6, index ID 1. B-tree chain
> linkage mismatch. (1:709662)->next = (1:250471), but (1:250471)->Prev => (1:250470). [SQLSTATE 42000]
> Msg 2536, Sev 16: DBCC results for 'APL'. [SQLSTATE 01000]
> Msg 2593, Sev 16: There are 352795 rows in 18831 pages for object 'APL'.
> [SQLSTATE 01000]
> Msg 8990, Sev 16: CHECKTABLE found 0 allocation errors and 2 consistency
> errors in table 'APL' (object ID 7xxx6). [SQLSTATE 01000]
> Msg 8958, Sev 16: repair_rebuild is the minimum repair level for the
> errors found by DBCC CHECKTABLE (Database.dbo.APL ). [SQLSTATE 01000]
> and this is the error I get from users
> Table error: Database ID 1, object ID 7xxx6, index ID 0. Chain linkage
> mismatch. (1:709662)->next = (1:250471), but (1:250471)->prev => (1:250470)..
> Error: 8908, Severity: 22, State: 6
> If anyone can help, we are at a total loss at the moment.
> --
> Posted via

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