Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Chaging the Min and Max Scale of a Chart at run time

I have a stored procedure which will bring me back the Min, Max and Mean of different result sets. What I want to do with the Y-Axis is set the Min scale value of the chart to be Min -%5 and the Max scale value to be Max + 5%.

Is there a way to change the Y-Axis values at report run time without spitting my own RDL?

In RS 2005, the Min/Max/CrossAt/MajorInterval/MinorInterval settings can be expression based. Note that by using an aggregate function such as first you can even reference certain values from another dataset than the chart is bound to. For example, you could use an expression similar to:

=CDbl(First(Fields!MinValue.Value, "StoredProcDataset")) - 0.05

-- Robert

|||That's great Robert but it's not apparent seeing that it doesn't follow the usual standard of having the combo box with the <expression> as a selection. Worked for me though and I thank you.|||


I want to change my y-axis into always showing integers, start with zero and show an y-axis longer than the maximum value of the points.
How do I do that in csharp?

My code is like this now: (Chart looks ok for values between 0 and 25, but makes a chart with a max value 1 have an Y axis that is divided into 0.1 and up to 1.0 ):

chartGraf.Axis.Y.TickmarkStyle = AxisTickStyle.Smart;

chartGraf.Axis.Y.LineThickness = 1;

chartGraf.Axis.Y.RangeMin = 0;

if ( MyMaximumValue < 3) {

chartGraf.Axis.Y.RangeMax = 3;



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